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WI ranked last in African American Child Wellbeing

By September 10, 2014No Comments2 min read

The racial disparities in Milwaukee are not unknown to most, but the most recent study by the Wisconsin Council of Children & Families shows what a drastic impact it is having on the wellbeing of children. The Journal Sentinel covers the study, listing these three stark statistics:

Four out of every five African-American children in Wisconsin live in poor households, compared with roughly two out of three Latino children and three out of 10 white children.

Seven out of 10 African-American children live in single-parent families, compared with fewer than four of 10 Latino children and roughly two of 10 white children.

Fewer than one in 10 in eighth grade are proficient in math, compared with almost one in five for Latino children and a bit less than one in two for white children.

One positive spin that this story takes is that 65% percent of African American children attend preschool and getting them into a high quality preschool would positively impact their trajectory in life.

St. Ann Center northside facility, upon opening will provide child educational programming from 6am to 6pm and has the goal of serving the community with 24 hour child care. The center is updating our creative curriculum with the latest young star criteria and the northside facility will open with a five star rating in the 53206 area code, which has a 98% African American population.

Contact Casey: 414-977-5062 for how to get involved with supporting our child educational services.

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