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The Chaplain’s Corner: Rejoice in Hope

By April 24, 2020No Comments2 min read

April 27, 2020

This past week, I visited St. Ann Center to drop off something for a staff member. It felt good to be back, and yet, it was as if I had arrived at a ghost town, without the tumbleweeds. If buildings could talk, I think St. Ann Center would be saying, “What’s going on? Come back! I miss you!”

Ruff, my one-year old Goldendoodle, came along for the ride and before leaving, I thought we could take a short walk in the woods behind St. Ann Center. While walking past the front of the building, I saw many daffodils in the front garden. What a beautiful sight! (Thank you, Mary, our amazing gardener!) Now, if they could talk, I think this is what they would like to say. “Here we are looking so pretty in yellow with hardly anyone to pass by and notice us. Where are you? Come back!”

Well, as “they say,” timing is everything. As sure as the daffodils are blooming radiantly in the “clockwork” of the season of spring, we too will once again have many coronavirus-free seasons to live our lives to the fullest.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”   (Romans 12:12)

Blessings to you and yours, and remember you are all on St. Ann Center’s Prayer List. Please feel free to call me anytime (home: 262-468-4002). You are surely not alone!

With peace,

Chaplain Rodican Rose


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