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Summer Issue #48 Newsletter Cover Story

By July 8, 2020No Comments2 min read

Staff Helps Milwaukee Mask Up

The Bucyrus Campus doubled as a mini mask-making factory in mid-May. During St. Ann Center’s temporary closure, staff members joined forces to make 1,400 masks, addressing the urgent need to stem the spread of COVID-19.

Staffers volunteered as part of the MaskUpMke challenge to create 3.5 million homemade non-surgical masks for essential service providers in Southeastern Wisconsin. Teachers, nursing assistants and administrators spread out in two large adult day care rooms and got busy.
The effort was a way for St. Ann Center to give back to the neighborhood so many of our staff members, clients and children call home. Milwaukee’s north side was particularly hard-hit early on by the novel coronavirus.

St. Ann Center partnered with United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County in staging this successful two-day “maskathon.” Since client units were empty, there was plenty of room for social distancing. Each volunteer had an entire table as a workstation.

After a 72-hour quarantine period, the face coverings were distributed to the community under the guidance of the Medical College of Wisconsin. As a thank-you, several of the lovingly made masks were returned to St. Ann Center to be used by staff as they work to keep our children and adult clients safe and healthy in the months ahead.

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