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St. Ann Center highlighted on The Grandparent Effect!

By September 25, 20172 Comments1 min read

Recently, St. Ann Center was included in a report by Generations United and the Eisner Foundation, “I Need You, You Need Me: The Young, the Old, and What We Can Achieve Together.” Olivia Gentile, writer on the project, adapted the story and shared it on her site: The Grandparent Effect and Facebook page.

We are excited to be part of the growing intergenerational field! To learn more visit


  • Benjamin Rader says:

    Hello! I have a friend who is interested in attending church services. I understand used to have Saturday mass. Do you still have that? Please let me know.

    • Cathy Feldkamp says:

      Hi Benjamin,

      Thank you for your question. While we no longer have a Saturday mass, we do have prayer services on Mondays and Tuesdays and masses on Wednesdays
      and Thursdays. Everyone is invited to join, staff and adult day clients and the general public.


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