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St. Ann Center Helps Bring Older Adult Issues to the Table

By October 16, 2019No Comments1 min read

What can Milwaukee do to make the lives of its older adults happier? That’s the question addressed by participants in On The Table MKE, held Oct. 10 at St. Ann Center-Bucyrus Campus. The event was one of 110 citywide public forums offering a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful conversation and take action.

St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care and Saint John’s On The Lake hosted members of the Milwaukee community at the On The Table breakfast event. The purpose of the gathering was to brainstorm and generate ideas on how to advance positive change in the lives of older adults living on fixed incomes throughout our community.

All the ideas were recorded, and participants will now have the opportunity to work together on specific action items.

With more than 60 attendees, this event assembled one of the day’s largest On The Table registered groups. It was offered in partnership with the Greater Milwaukee Foundation/On the Table MKE–a collection of small gatherings where participants share a meal and talk about topics that matter in our community.

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