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Bucyrus CampusPress Releases

St. Ann Center Celebrates Black History Month

By February 2, 2016No Comments3 min read

Milwaukee, WI
February 2, 2016
Contact: Sharon Selz
(414) 977-5064;

Black History Month Lasts all Year at St. Ann Center

Just five short months ago, the call of African drums rang out across Milwaukee’s near north side, inviting the entire community to join St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care at the grand opening of its new Bucyrus Campus, located on 24th and North Avenue. Today, the all-ages day care is more excited than ever to be a part of an energized community. Besides providing health and educational services to children, the elderly and adults with special needs in one home-like setting, the Center celebrates the heritage and culture of its neighborhood.

On Martin Luther King Day, the Ko-Thi African Drum Ensemble paid a visit to the Bucyrus Campus. “The drummers set the beat, and the children and adults instantly hit the dance floor,” says Activity Director Wanda Gray. “Then storyteller Lois Reddick told us about the power of working together. She made us laugh, think and deeply appreciate the history of our ancestors.”

Another intergenerational activity used eggs to teach the concept of equality in a creative way that children could easily understand. Brown and white eggs were passed out to the children and adult clients. As they cracked the eggs into bowls, they were asked, “What did you notice about the color on the inside?” The unanimous answer: “They’re all the same!”

February Black History Month will be equally exciting at St. Ann Center, says Carrie Davis, Bucyrus Campus Director of Childcare. “Our Head Start children are learning quotes relating to Black heritage and culture.” The youngsters will present them at a special intergenerational program on Tuesday, February 16, which will also include a dramatization of the story of Rosa Parks, “the first lady of civil rights.”

St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus Campus has experienced tremendous growth since its grand opening. This growth is driven by a commitment to nurture the heart of our community—serving its children, adults and families and providing reliable employment within walking distance of employees’ homes. In the past four months, St. Ann Center has formed strong partnerships with many community organizations. Along with Parklawn Assembly of God Church, the Center is working on the construction of the Indaba Band Shell on the Bucyrus Campus—a place where community fairs, artists, concerts, choirs, poets, dance and ministry can be celebrated and enjoyed right in the neighborhood. And this spring will see the opening of a one-of-a-kind dental clinic, designed to serve people with disabilities, as well as a community medical clinic.

None of this would be possible without our community—our village. Your help allows St. Ann Center to continue to provide quality services to our neighborhood. We invite you to come and visit, call for a tour, or just stop by and explore ways that you can become involved in the Bucyrus Campus and the revitalization of our neighborhood. For more information, call 414-210-2450.


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