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St. Ann Center Cancels Chili and Jewelry Sale

By March 12, 2020No Comments2 min read

As a precaution against spread of coronavirus, March 28 fundraiser is cancelled.

To protect the health of its clients, staff, volunteers and the community at large, St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care has canceled its popular spring Warm Your Heart Chili and Jewelry Sale, planned for Saturday, March 28.

St. Ann Center, an all-ages day care facility, serves a population particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus (COVID-19), including fragile elders and adults with disabilities. The center also operates an early childhood education program and provides before- and after-school care for young school-aged children.

The chili and jewelry fundraiser typically attracts 600 people from throughout the Greater Milwaukee area. Proceeds from the sale of donated jewelry help support St. Ann Center services.

“We are disappointed about canceling this beloved event, but the health of our most vulnerable clients, the staff and volunteers who assist with this sale and the guests who attend must take priority,” said Sr. Edna Lonergan, OSF, president of St. Ann Center. The sale was the largest of several planned gatherings for the month that the center has canceled, including workshops and family swim nights, in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.

No clients or staff at either of St. Ann Center’s two campuses have exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 or have had known exposure to the virus.

A biannual event, the next Warm Your Heart Chili and Jewelry Sale is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 21.

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