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Sr. Edna Leads State Assembly in Prayer

By February 23, 2018No Comments4 min read

On Tuesday, Feb. 20, Sr. Edna Lonergan had the honor of leading the opening prayer during a session of the Wisconsin State Assembly. The invitation came from our 20th Assembly District Rep. Christine Sinicki.

To reflect the spirit of St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, Sr. Edna called on our adult clients and children to assist in composing this special prayer:

Prayer from an Intergenerational Day Care

As president of an intergenerational day care, I am fortunate to have the wisdom of several age groups to call on—from 2-year-old toddlers on up to elders in their nineties.   When I was deciding what to share with you today, I thought it would be a good idea to ask some of the adult clients and the children in our day programs about their dreams and prayers for our state and our world.

  • Barry, 56, said: I always pray that we can put our differences aside and realize that we are all part of the vast creation of the Almighty.
  • Emmitt, 4, said:  Everybody should have warm blue hats and blue mittens to wear. And everybody should be able to play with babies.
  • Judy, 67, said: My dream would be to have more houses for the homeless. There are too many people living in shelters or on the streets.
  • Sophia, 4, said: My prayer is for people to get along and always share their toys.
  • Madeline, 51, said: I’d like to see violence stop in our cities and an end to all shootings and speeding.
  • Lamar, 6, said: I pray for us kids to be able to go outside by ourselves, and ride around the block on a bike.
  • Rory, 4, said: It would make our state better if people would stop throwing garbage on the floor and recycle.
  • Willie Mae, 72, said: My prayer would be for improved businesses… and politicians who carry out what they say they’ll do.
  • Cameron, 3, said: I’d like a big water park, and also more toys, like firemen and super heroes.
  • Sammy, 28, said:  Things would be really, really better if no one was a bully.
  • Kaydon, 6, said: I’d like everyone in Wisconsin who’s a good person to get lots of ice cream.
  • Josiah, 7, said: I want to see people be nice to each other and never fight.
  • Betty, 69, said: My prayer is for less racial tension – I’d like to see that ease.
  • Lucy, 4, said: I’d love for every universe to have a cat and a special day when it rains tacos.
  • Jason, 7, said: I dream of a place where people don’t ever say bad words to other people.
  • Terry, 67, said: I pray everybody would have jobs and people wouldn’t have to pay high taxes.
  • Noah, 4, said:  I wish that kids and older people all over could play together and have fun.
  • Kevin, 61, said: My prayer is that we learn to listen and respect one another. Then there would be no more wars.
  • Asher, 4, said:   I would pray for love.

Then Rosemarie, 36,  one of our St. Ann Center staff and a member of the Oneida Tribe, shared a prayer that I hope will inspire and guide you in your important work this afternoon.

Creator, open our hearts to peace and healing among all people.

Creator, open our hearts to protect and provide for all the earth’s children, elders and people with disabilities.

Creator, open our hearts to respect for the earth and all the gifts of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts to the end of exclusion, violence and fear among all.

Thank you for the gifts of this day and every day.


This prayer showcases the values of St. Ann Center. Learn more about our intergenerational mission. 

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