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St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Covid Safety Guidelines

By September 20, 2021No Comments15 min read


  1. Parents and Caregivers
  2. Staff
  3. Sick Child and Adult Policy – COVID 19
  4. Health Screening at Entrance for Everyone; Activities and Groups; Sanitation and Hygiene Practices
  5. Transportation
  6. Therapy
  7. Massage Therapy
  8. Music Therapy
  9. Employee Health Screening Document

Parents and Caregivers

During this difficult time, St. Ann Center wants you to know we value the safety and well-being of you, your children and your loved one. For this reason, we ask you to take time to read through the following procedures we have put into place to keep everyone healthy and safe.

  • If you meet any of the following criteria, please do not visit, pick up or drop off a child or adult client at our Centers:
    • Severe underlying conditions such as compromised immune system, cardiac or respiratory conditions
    • Symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell
    • Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 10 days
  • When picking up or dropping off an adult client, please wait in the lobby, observing social distancing, and a staff person will assist you.
  • Parents can drop off their child at their classroom entrance. Please practice social distancing at all times.
  • If you need to enter the program area for any reason, we ask that you wash or sanitize your hands immediately upon entry.
  • If your child or adult becomes ill while in our program, you will be asked to pick them up within one hour of the program contacting you. Please plan now to ensure you or a designated person will be available should this occur.
  • Parents, please review your enrollment information to ensure we have your current contact and emergency contact information.
  • Caregivers, make sure we have your updated contact information and current information on the transportation your loved one uses to get to the Center and back.


  • All staff will answer daily health screening questions
  • All staff are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched areas at least daily, including:
    • Tables
    • Doorknobs
    • Light switches
    • Countertops
    • Phones
    • Desks
    • Keyboards
    • Toilets
    • Faucets
    • Sinks
    • Bathroom faucets, flushers, doorknobs will be sanitized after each use
  • As an employee of St. Ann Center, your health and safety are very important to all of us. Please review the section entitled “Employee Health Screening Agreement”
  • Individuals should not provide child or adult care AND should not visit childcare or adult day care if they:
    • Have underlying health conditions (like compromised immune systems or severe respiratory conditions)
    • Show symptoms of COVID-19
    • Have been in contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19 in the last 10 days

Sick Child and Adult Policy – COVID 19

The safety and well-being of staff, children and adults at St. Ann Center is very important to all of us. We will commit to taking all precautions toward keeping our clients and children, as well as staff, safe and healthy atSt. Ann Center.

  • Children and adult clients will be monitored for signs of COVID 19 daily.
  • The caregivers of our children and adults will be asked to keep their loved one at home if any of the following applies:
    • Have chills and/or a fever of 99.6 degrees or higher
    • Unexplained shortness of breath
    • Persistent dry cough within the last 72 hours
    • A new loss of taste/smell
    • Have come in contact with others who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past two days
  • Children and adults who develop symptoms of COVID-19 while at St. Ann Center will be immediately separated from others and their caregiver or parent will be contacted to pick them up within one hour.
  • We will encourage children and adult clients to practice frequent handwashing, which will include these times:
    • At arrival to the program
    • Before and after meals and snacks
    • After outdoor play
    • After use of the bathroom
    • After blowing nose
    • After coughing or sneezing
    • Before and after socializing activities
    • Prior to going home
  • If an enrolled child or adult tests positive for COVID-19 at a local public health department, St. Ann Center will be contacted and follow their guidance for next steps.
  • St. Ann Center will post and notify families of any confirmed staff, child or adult COVID-19 cases.
  • If an individual child or adult has a fever, cough or shortness of breath, and they have not been around anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, they may return to the Center no sooner than 72 hours after the fever is gone (without the use of fever reducing medication) and symptoms have subsided.
  • If a person’s symptoms worsen, they should contact their health care provider to determine if they should be tested for COVID-19.

Health Screening at Entrance for Everyone

  • Everyone entering will have their temperature taken
  • Everyone will be asked if medications were used to lower their temperature
  • Everyone will be asked if there are any household members with COVID-19

Activities and Groups

We will continue to monitor local, state and federal government updates to regulations and recommendations on gathering size limit and adjust activities and groups as needed.

  • If possible, increase the space between children and adults
  • When possible, do NOT combine groups
  • When possible, maintain the same groups from day to day
  • Limit use of water or sensory tables
  • Wash hands after use of toys, games, puzzles, etc.
  • Remind everyone not to touch their face and to wash their hands after an activity
  • Minimize standing in lines, unless 6 feet apart
  • Wash hands immediately after outdoor play time
  • Avoid sharing spaces
  • Divide large rooms into sections
  • Ask anyone entering the program to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer
  • Meals and snacks should be provided in the classroom or adult day care areas
  • Provide each child with their own meal or snacks; in other words, no family-style serving
  • Do not share utensils
  • Toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged children, and adult clients should bring a labeled water bottle each day or be provided with labeled drinking cups or disposable drinking cups and should not drink from a water fountain
  • No use of the ball pit and climbing structures until further notice. It will be roped off by maintenance

Sanitation and Hygiene Practices

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
    • If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol
  • If using hand sanitizer, cover all surfaces of hands and rub together until dry
  • Advise children, adults and staff to avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes with their hands
  • Cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue. Throw the tissue in the trash, then clean hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available


  • All adult clients must have updated contact and transportation information before re-entry to St. Ann Center
  • Use of St. Ann Center buses or vans should maximize space between riders (i.e. one rider per seat in every other row)
  • Keeping windows open may help reduce virus transmission

Isolation Areas:

  • There will be appropriate designated isolation areas for children, adult clients and staff who become ill while at St. Ann Center. These locations will be announced.

Bucyrus Adult Day Care:

  • Staff will wear goggles, mask or a face shield when changing, bathing or feeding a client.

Music Therapy

The following statements have been put into place to keep all music therapy clients and therapist healthy and safe.

  • The Intake process and an updated emergency contact form is completed remotely with client, parent, social worker, spouse or family member.
  • After pertinent music therapy information is obtained and the new music process is explained, an appointment is set.
  • The Comprehensive Therapy Services COVID Safety Guidelines will be sent/given to client/guardian so everyone knows what to expect upon entry (i.e. use of PPE within music room, sanitized music room, proper handwashing, staggered appointment times to limit the number of people in one space, increased signage, etc.).
  • Please do not arrive for an appointment if you have:
    • Symptoms of COVID-19: fever (99.6 F or higher), cough, shortness of breath
    • Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 10 days
    • Have returned from travel to an area with community spread of COVID-19 in the last 10 days
  • When arriving at St Ann Center, a health screening will take place including taking temperatures and completing a screening survey. Prior to entry into Music Therapy Area, client will have passed the initial health screening.
  • Upon a clean health screening, please wait in the designated area and a staff person will offer assistance. We ask that social distancing is practiced at all times.
  • Prior to entering the Music Therapy Area, the music room has been thoroughly disinfected and the instruments have been washed to ensure your safety.
  • All music clients are asked to sanitize hands upon entry and to wear a mask. Everyone will be reminded to wash or sanitize hands when leaving the therapy area.
  • Music therapist will also wear a mask.
  • Telehealth Music Therapy will be investigated as a possible new therapy option.
  • If a client becomes ill while in therapy, they will be immediately separated from others and an emergency contact will be called to pick them up within 1 hour. Please have plans in place to ensure that a designated person is available if this should occur.
  • Within the music therapy office space, social distancing will take place. Only two people allowed in the office at one time. Room will be disinfected daily. A new one-on-one treatment location may need to be designated.

The following statements have been put into place to keep all intergenerational and group music therapy clients and staff healthy and safe.

  • All intergenerational and group music programs involving the children have been suspended until we are sure the disease has been eradicated for safety purposes. Upon reentering into the childcare rooms, the child day care protocols will be followed.
  • Group music programs within the adult day care units will be conducted under the guidelines of the adult day care statements.

Comprehensive Therapy Services: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Restorative Program

Policies established in this inclusive document for St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care will be followed to ensure the safety of clients and staff. Please do not attend your therapy session if you:

– Show symptoms of COVID-19.

– Have come in contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19 in the last 10 days.

– Have returned from an area with community spread of COVID-19 within the last 10 days.

All therapy clients, both from adult day care and ala carte (community), will enter through the front door and receive a health screening in the lobby following the method outlined in the COVID Safety Guidelines. Please refer to the plan for details.

The OT, PT, ST and Restorative clients will be brought from the day care by unit staff and meet the therapist in a designated area.  This will minimize the number of people in the hall as well as the therapy clinic. This traffic flow modification will improve safety efforts.

The number of clients and staff in the clinic will be limited to ensure safe distancing between individuals.  If a family member, staff member, social worker, etc. needs to speak with a therapist, please call for a virtual conversation. If that is not possible, we will arrange for a conversation at an appropriate place and time to ensure safety through social distancing.

We ask that only therapy clients and therapists enter the Rehabilitation Clinic. Our space is quite limited, and we need to keep individuals’ access to a minimum at this time.

When appropriate, portions of the course of therapy will be conducted virtually. We realize this is not practical for some clients, but this method of treatment will be utilized if possible to meet clients’ needs in the safest manner.

Infection control measures include:

– Both the client and therapist will sanitize hands before and after each treatment session.

– Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPEs) will be used including masks, gloves, and/ or gowns.

– Equipment and surfaces will be sanitized before and after each session.

– Social distancing policies will be followed as much as possible.

Schedules of staff and clients in the Therapy department will be staggered as much as possible and guest attendance will be monitored.  These steps will assist in space management to improve safety measures at this unprecedented time.

Massage Therapy


During this difficult time, St. Ann Center wants everyone to know we value the safety and well-being of all our members/clients.  The following statements have been put into place to keep our massage therapy clients and therapists healthy and safe.

  • The intake process and an updated emergency contact form is completed remotely with client, parent, social worker, spouse or family member.
  • After pertinent massage therapy information is obtained, and the new massage process is explained, an appointment is set.
  • The Comprehensive Therapy Services COVID Safety Guidelines will be sent/given to client/guardian so everyone knows what to expect upon entry (i.e. use of PPE within massage rooms, sanitized massage rooms and communal areas, proper handwashing, staggered appointment times to limit the number of people in one space, increased signage, etc.).
  • Please do not arrive for an appointment if you have:
    • Symptoms of COVID-19: fever (99.6 F or higher), cough, shortness of breath
    • Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 10 days
    • Have returned from travel to an area with community spread of COVID-19 in the last 10 days
  • When arriving at St Ann Center, a health screening will take place including taking temperatures and completing a screening survey. Prior to entry into Wellness Area, client will have passed the initial health screening.
  • Upon a clean health screening, please wait in the designated area and a staff person will offer assistance. We ask that social distancing is practiced at all times.
  • Prior to entering the Wellness Area, each massage therapy room has been thoroughly disinfected and the linens have been washed using a disinfecting detergent to ensure your safety.
  • All massage clients are asked to sanitize hands upon entry and wear a mask. Everyone will be reminded to wash or sanitize hands when leaving the therapy area.
  • Massage therapist will always wear a mask.
  • If a client becomes ill while in therapy, they will be immediately separated from others, and an emergency contact will be called to pick them up within 1 hour. Please have plans in place to ensure that a designated person is available if this should occur.
  • Within the massage therapy office space, social distancing will take place. Only three people allowed in the office at one time. Room will be disinfected daily.
  • The Benevolent Touch program within day care units and community has been discontinued until further notice.


Each therapist has consulted with their national professional organization for guidance prior to creating policy.


St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care
Employee Health Screening Agreement

As an employee of St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, your health and safety are very important to all of us here, including the management, staff, children and families. In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please review the health screening questions below each day upon arrival at the program. The completed, signed, and dated screening should be given to your direct supervisor.

_____ I do not currently have, nor have I had, other potential symptoms of COVID-19 such as shortness of breath, persistent dry cough, sore throat, headache, chills or a new loss of taste/smell in the past 48 hours

____ I have not taken medications to lower my temperature

____ There is no one in my household who has COVID-19

____ I am not waiting for COVID-19 test results

____ I have not tested positive for COVID-19

____ I approve of any necessary screening prior to beginning work i.e. measure of temperature, oxygen level and other measures


Staff Signature: _____________________________________________   Date: __________



_____ This staff person has been approved to continue working

_____ This staff person has been asked to return home until they are symptom and fever free for at least 72 hours.


Supervisor Signature: _______________________________________  Date: _____________


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