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Pat Takes Birthdays in Stride

By January 8, 2017No Comments2 min read

Pat isn’t one to fib about her age. In fact, she was more than happy to reveal it in the photo (above) St. Ann Center is using to promote our Donate Your Age campaign. “Actually, I’ll be 82 in a month,” she candidly adds. “But, what’s another birthday?”

A client in the Bucyrus Campus’ adult day care program, Pat has earned the nickname, “the secretary,” thanks to her keen memory for names and details. “She keeps us all on schedule,” says activity coordinator Wanda Gray with a smile. That’s easy to believe, considering Pat’s impressive resume. “You name it, I’ve done it,” she laughs.

After studying business law and accounting, “I worked at First Wisconsin Bank and several of its branches,” says the mother of four and proud great-grandma of more than she can remember. One of her favorite stints was as a school bus driver. “I absolutely love children,” she says.

Now long retired, Pat is still a professional at making little ones smile. “They visit us quite often,” she says of St. Ann Center’s childcare youngsters who join the adults for intergenerational karaoke, story time or a rousing game of kickball. “Young as they are, they’re all important. They keep things lively around here.”

Looking back on more than eight decades, Pat can’t pinpoint an age she’d consider her favorite.

“I’m thankful for every day God’s given me,” she says. “I can’t do everything I used to do, but I do what I can. And I can be one fun old lady!” – Pat

Pat’s age-inspiration is a feature story as part of the center’s #DonateYourAge campaign which shows to value of every age! Join the campaign now with your own age-inspired gift.

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