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Maggie Cary Award Winners Named for Quarter 1

By May 10, 2024No Comments2 min read

Sr. Lucy Kazigu and Ms. Diamond Beard have been named winners of the Maggie Cary Award for the first quarter of 2024.

Winners are chosen by their colleagues, who vote based upon how well their nominee exemplifies Franciscan values, serves as a team player and exhibits positive qualities when interacting the children, adult clients, parents, caregivers and others in the St. Ann Community.

Sister Lucy Kazigu St. Ann Center

Sr. Lucy Kazigu

Sr. Lucy, a personal care worker in the adult wings of St. Ann Center’s Stein Campus, was chosen by her coworkers because, according to her colleagues, she “is the true definition of what St. Ann Center stands for. She makes the clients feel special and takes her time to give all of the clients her attention to make them feel happy and comfortable. She finds games and activities to fit the needs of the clients. Sr. Lucy goes above and beyond daily, and is helpful to the families, as well.”

Her coworkers selected Ms. Diamond Beard, a teacher in the childcare wing of St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus campus, because she “is a peacemaker and provides a more enjoyable work environment for everyone. A generous creative, she plans gatherings and coordinates the children’s performances for special occasions. Diamond helps create a caring community with her peaceful and giving self.”

Maggie Cary Award winner Ms. Diamond Beard

Ms. Diamond Beard (left)

Both women were celebrated with certificates with their photos displayed at the campus where they work, an ice cream social with their colleagues and a $100 cash award from Ms. Cary. a longtime St. Ann Center volunteer and supporter.

All of the Maggie Cary award-winners  for 2024 will have their names placed in another drawing for an additional $100 at the end of the year.

Congratulations to Sr. Lucy and Ms. Diamond for this well-deserved achievement.

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