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Stein CampusStories

Love Is in the Air at St. Ann Center

By February 12, 2021No Comments2 min read

Hearts were racing around the Stein Campus—literally—during an all-campus Valentine’s Day celebration on Feb. 12th.

Clients fell in love with the idea of some friendly competition in the atrium. Donning sandwich board hearts, runners, walkers and some using wheelchairs sped around a short course as fellow clients cheered them on. The winners were treated to a free visit to the St. Ann Center café.

Rounding out the morning activities was a program featuring romantic ballads sung by the staff, a few jokes (How did the phone propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a ring!) and a tribute to artist Esther Howland, who was the first entrepreneur to publish and sell valentine cards in the United States.

Happily, love was in the cards for all ages on this special day. Hundreds of valentines, carefully handcrafted by the childcare kids and adult clients, were exchanged. As a special surprise, students from neighboring Fernwood Montessori School made valentines for St. Ann Center’s adults as a special intergenerational class project.

And while temperatures were frigid outside, there was nothing but warm feelings inside as clients finished up the laughter-filled celebration with an impromptu dance party.

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