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Early Voting Event Hosted by St. Ann Center Bucyrus Campus

By October 26, 2020No Comments1 min read
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Both the weather and traffic were brisk around St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus Campus on Saturday, Oct. 24th. The campus parking lot was the site of a drive-through election event sponsored by the NAACP as part of a national, nonpartisan Homecoming and Early Voting Day effort.

A steady caravan of cars kept volunteers busy handing out voter information and yard signs, and helping residents locate early voting and polling places. The Bucyrus Campus activity was one of many events across the state designed to encourage infrequent voters to vote early and safely during the upcoming General Election.

WNOV radio did a live broadcast from the Bucyrus Campus, encouraging people to drive over and get their questions answered.  Una Van Duvall, a St. Ann Center board member and state NAACP Communication Director, coordinated the Bucyrus Campus event. “It is so important not to take our right to vote for granted,” she said. “Democracy is something we must work to retain.”

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