Construction has started on the Gardetto Family Community Dental Clinic located at St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus Campus, 2450 West North Avenue.
The first of its kind in Milwaukee, the facility is designed to provide vital dental care to children and adults with disabilities. The clinic is scheduled to open in early March.
“We will provide a dental home to people with disabilities,” says Laura Cherek, director of dental care at St. Ann Center. “The clinic will be a place they can visit every six months to maintain their dental health.”
Triad Construction is making progress on the clinic’s interior, assisted by Henry Schein, a dental clinic design specialist. So far, rough plumbing, electricity and framing are finished. X-ray machines, three dental chairs, lighting and a sterilization unit have been purchased and are ready for installation.
The clinic will open with one dentist, working part-time, providing dental screenings, exams and light restorative work including fillings and simple extractions. A full-time hygienist will also be on staff to handle x-rays, cleanings, sealants, fluoride treatments and varnishes.
Bridging a wide gap in dental care, the clinic will treat children and adults with moderate to severe physical or cognitive disabilities. All clients will require a referral from a medical doctor or licensed dentist stating they are unable to be seen in a standard dental practice or clinic. It’s estimated more than 50 clients will be served at the Bucyrus Campus clinic per week.
“We greatly appreciate the generosity that has made this clinic a reality,” Laura adds. Besides a donation from the Gardetto family, grants were awarded by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Delta Dental, Ziemann Foundation Inc. and the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association.
St. Ann Center is accepting applications for a receptionist with administrative background and an experienced dental assistant and hygienist.
Monetary and in-kind donations are still needed to complete the clinic. For more on these opportunities, call Casey Rozanski at 414-977-5062. A phone number to make appointments will be released as the opening date nears. For more information on the dental clinic, call Laura Cherek at 414-977-5020.
Congratulations! St. Ann’s is a change-making facility for so many individuals and our Milwaukee community at large. Thank you.
Thank you! All of this is possible because of the amazing support we receive from the community and generous organizations like Bader Philanthropies!