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Congratulations 2013 Charity Cash Raffle #2 Winners!

By October 26, 2013No Comments2 min read

We spun the barrel and picked the winners of St. Ann Center’s second $250,000 Charity Cash Raffle for 2013. Our thanks go to everyone who supported the raffle. All of the funds raised go to programs for the children, elderly and adults of all abilities served at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care.




6143 $200,000.00 Samantha Jackson Milwaukee WI
4329 $25,000.00 Myron Loberger Appleton WI
6740 $7,500.00 Sue Lang Menomonee Falls WI
3713 $2,500.00 John Grycowski New Berlin WI
9388 $2,500.00 Carol Wolf Germantown WI
10628 $500.00 Mary Tess-Barber Sullivan WI
6231 $500.00 Michelle Runte Franklin WI
9512 $500.00 Lois Sawyer-Garrison Pewaukee WI
14874 $500.00 Mary Jo Looney Milwaukee WI
876 $500.00 James Miller Milwaukee WI
3663 $500.00 Susan Kujawa Menomonee Falls WI
8986 $500.00 Robert Bartnikowski Milwaukee WI
14510 $500.00 Ronald Small Racine WI
5665 $500.00 Vaso Miller & Debi Leanna’s Hales Corners WI
12872 $500.00 Kathy & Dan Verkins Franklin WI
11902 $500.00 Tom Hoffmann& Anita Green & Nicole Phipps Waukesha WI
13981 $500.00 Shirley Boening Salem WI
10440 $500.00 Cherie Ketchum Bradenton FL
8471 $500.00 Geraldine Cormican Milwaukee WI
8425 $500.00 Ronald Suiter Racine WI
6092 $500.00 Randy Kordus Muskego WI
5310 $500.00 Monica Sterk Sheboygan WI
2775 $500.00 Ted Kucznski Mount Pleasant SC
13427 $500.00 Mary Jo Glaspey Milwaukee WI
785 $500.00 Marti Fuller Burlington WI
4252 $500.00 James Teska Cudahy WI
3983 $500.00 Laura Piefer Hartford WI
9029 $500.00 Kermit Krueger Plymouth WI
7255 $500.00 Richard Dude Oakland Park FL
4508 $500.00 Peter Kordus Franklin WI

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