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The Chaplain’s Corner: This Too Shall Pass

By April 20, 2020No Comments2 min read

April 20, 2020

Dear St. Ann Center Family,

“This too shall pass.” In light of all that is happening in our world today, these words have often come to my mind. Another way of expressing that thought could be, “nothing stays the same.” Have you found this to be true in your lives?

Yes. We are going to get through this surreal time. We are going to once again be with our family and friends in person, rather than via technology. We are going to be able to fulfill our dreams and safely travel to far-off lands, enjoy “doing lunch” with co-workers, shop at our favorite stores, root for our favorite sports team and renew countless other ways we lived life before Covid-19 and social distancing.

Let us remember: “You, Lord, are our shepherd. We will never be in need. You let us rest in fields of green grass. You lead us to streams of peaceful water, and You refresh our lives. You are true to Your name, and You lead us along the right paths. We may walk through valleys as dark as death, but You are with us, and your shepherd’s rod makes us feel safe. You treat us to a feast, while our enemies watch. You honor us as Your guest, and you fill our cup until it overflows. Your kindness and love will always be with us each day of our lives, and we will live forever in your house.” Psalm 23 CEV

Throughout this week, you will each be on the St. Ann Center Prayer List and, in addition, will be sent blessings for peace, good health and strength of heart. Need to connect? Please call me…262-468-4002.

God bless!

Chaplain Rodican Rose

P.S. You are each fully and deeply loved and cherished by God.



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