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Cash Raffle: 28 Years of Success

By September 16, 2022No Comments2 min read

Currently, St Ann Center is on its 28th straight year of offering successful raffles.

We offer raffles to help bridge the gap between what government reimburses us for extending services to our clients, and, what our actual cost is to provide those services.

1996. The First Raffle

  • St. Ann Center initiated its very first Raffle … it was a House Raffle. Because of our success, we have been able to make our raffles an annual event.

2004. House or Cash

  • 2004, we changed to giving the winner a choice of taking the house or a discounted amount of cash.

2007. Last House Raffle

  • 2007, as the cost of constructing a house was rising rapidly, we offered our last House-Cash Raffle.
cash raffle event

2008. First All Cash Raffle

  • 2008, we initiated our very first all Cash Raffle with cash prizes worth $200,000.00.

2009. Twin Raffle

  • 2009, we initiated our very first “twin raffle”, running one in the first half of the year, and the other in the second half of the year. Again, because of our success, we made our “twin raffle” concept an annual event.

2012. Raised the Prize Level

  • 2012, we raised our cash prize level to $250,000.00 for each of our “twin raffles”…..where it stands today.